Baby Rhymetime 24th February 2016

Opening Song: Hello Song* 

Welcome song* 

Bubble Song  
I blew bubbles
Everybody look at me. 
Pretty bubbles you will see.
Red and green and yellow, too, 
Floating through the air for you.
Will they break before they land? 
Can you catch one in your hand.

Book: Where is the green sheep by Mem Fox

Peas Porridge Hot
Clap hands 
Peas porridge hot 
Peas porridge cold  
Peas porridge in the pot  
Nine days old. 
Some like it hot
Some like it cold
Some like it in the pot
Nine days old. 

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 
Twinkle, twinkle, little star  
Twinkle fingers
How I wonder what you are 
Up above the world so high
Lift baby up
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle little star  
Twinkle fingers
How I wonder what you are.

Horsey, Horsey
Bounce baby
Horsey Horsey come ride with me
Across the land, across the sea   
Horsey Horsey come ride with me
But do not let me fall.
Tip baby gently.

A Farmer Went Trotting
A farmer went trotting
Bounce baby on lap
Upon his grey mare
With his daughter behind him
So rosy and fair
Then a duck cried out "Quack"
Lift baby up
And they all tumbled down
Plop baby back onto your lap
Off of the horse
And upside down!
Tip baby gently backwards!

Dickery Dare  
Bounce baby
Dickery dickery dare  
lift baby   
The pig flew in the air  
The man in brown soon brought him down
Dickery, dickery dare!

Little Bo-Peep  
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep
and doesn't know where to find them. 
Leave them alone and they will come home,   
wagging their tales behind them.

Little Boy Blue
Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn
The cow's in the meadow,
the sheeps in the corn
Where is the little boy who
looks after the sheep?
He's under the haystack, fast asleep.

One, two, three
One, two, three
Bounce your baby
Baby's on my knee
Rooster crows
Crow like a rooster
And away she go-o-o-es
Quickly lower your baby.

CLOSING SONG: Goodbye song* 

All songs, rhymes etc which are repeated every week are marked with an* and can be found at the following address:

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